Recent changes to the Fair Work Act now requires employers to give every new casual employee a Casual Employment Information Statement (CEIS) before, or as soon as possible, after they start their new job.

Small business employers need to give their existing casual employees a copy of the CEIS as soon as possible. All other employers have until 27 September 2021.

Fair work

Who is a Small business employer?

A small business employer is an employer with fewer than 15 employees at a particular time. If an employer has 15 or more employees at a particular time, they are no longer a small business employer.

When counting the number of employees, employees of associated entities of the employer are included. Casual employees are not included unless engaged on a regular and systematic basis.

Who is a casual employee?

From 27 March 2021, changes to workplace laws relating to casual employees mean that you are a casual employee if:

  • you are offered a job
  • the employer make no firm advance commitment that the work will continue indefinitely with an agreed pattern of work
  • you accept the offer knowing that there is no firm advance commitment and become an employee.

Whether you’re a casual employee is assessed at the time you are offered and accept the job.

What does the CEIS mean for small business employers?

  • Employers have to give every new casual employee a Casual Employment Information Statement (the CEIS) before, or as soon as possible after, they start their new job.
  • Employers aren’t required to give casual employees the CEIS more than once in any 12 month period (for example, if an employer employs a casual employee temporarily at different stages in a 12 month period, they only need to give them the CEIS once).

Casual Employment Information Statement

For more information about Casual Employment Information Statement (CEIS) and to download the statement click on the link: Casual Employment Information Statement (CEIS).

Source: Australian Government Fair Work.
