Investment Services

We offer flexible investment management solutions, designed to take the hassle out of directly investing.

Custom Accounting’s MPS is a flexible investment management solution designed to take the hassle out of directly investing in the share market and to provide our clients with access to the unlisted over the counter (OTC) bonds market.  We aim to provide a managed and optimized investment solution. CA believes that trust, quality personal service and performance are paramount for a successful investing relationship.

Our Investment Philosophy

  • Investment Principles
  • We offer a truly independent service to meet your needs.
  • We are of the view that buying and holding investments best suited to your attitude and goals.
  • We will take account of the tax consequences of investing your funds.
  • We will provide recommendations for a conservative investment strategy.
  • Generally we will not attempt to make money by regularly ‘timing’ the markets.

Investment Strategy

  • We start by considering the current economic environment and your individual circumstances to determine the appropriate asset allocation for your investment portfolio.
  • With you we determine the approximate level of investment in each asset class, Shares, Fixed Interest and Term Deposits to suit your risk profile and provide adequate diversification.
  • Once your asset allocation strategy has been formulated, we are able to assist with recommendations for the investments in each component of the portfolio.

Services & Features

Our Services
  • Review & Establishment of your Investment Portfolio.
  • Ongoing Managed Portfolio Services.
  • Individually Managed Accounts (IMA).
Service includes:
  • Regularly monitoring your portfolio including pro active advice.
  • Provision of 11 Monthly Market Performance Newsletters.
  • Provision of comprehensive Investment Portfolio Reports & other services.
  • Custodial.
  • Custom Fit – we provide a tailored portfolio built on a risk controlled basis.
  • Support – Whether it is by telephone, email or face to face.
  • Access – Log onto our website to access your investment accounts.
  • Paperwork – We’ll take the hassle out of owning Shares, Bonds & Term Deposits.
  • Control – You can make your own selections.
  • Regular monitoring – its not just ‘set and forget’.
  • Reporting – we provide monthly performance reports.
  • Administration – we monitor and project your cash flows.
  • Scope – we cover cash, Australian Based listed investments & unlisted “OTC” Bonds.

Benefits & Results

  • Investment advice and strategies which satisfy your immediate and long term goals. Just as an investment plan is for the long term we see our relationship with our clients in a long term context.
  • We view solid long term increases in wealth as paramount and outweighing short term speculative gains.
  • Our understanding of your financial and non-financial needs is essential in creating an investment strategy best matched to their circumstances.
  • We are truly independent and serve only your needs. For this reason we refuse to accept commissions on any investments we place for our clients. Any commissions paid to us by financial institutions or fund managers are immediately rebated to our clients.
  • A portfolio of investments that provides an above average return (after fees have been taken into account) for an acceptable level of risk.

What our clients say