The temporary JobKeeper Payment scheme will end on 28 March 2021.
If you are not currently receiving the JobKeeper Payment there is still time to enrol for JobKeeper fortnights in March. You can check the eligibility requirements and enrol by 31 March 2021.
To be eligible you will need to show that your actual GST turnover declined in the December 2020 quarter relative to a comparable period. This is generally the December 2019 quarter.
If you are already receiving JobKeeper don’t forget to lodge your February monthly business declaration by 14 March 2021.
You do not have to do anything when the program closes. However, you will need to complete your final March monthly business declaration by 14 April 2021.
Once you are no longer claiming JobKeeper Payments, you may start to be eligible to receive JobMaker Hiring Credits for any additional employees that started employment with you on or after 7 October 2020.
Source: ATO